Measure Theory

Simulate. Generate. Everything.
AI virtual multi-agent worlds to simulate population dynamics
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Solution: Simulation

Simulate real-life worlds with AI agents to get actionable data. Within seconds.
MacBook mockupMacBook mockup
Generate products and content already tailored to markets. Simulate campaigns and policy steps. Simulate strategic competition. Give yourself the edge.

Make Reality Your Reality


Unlock insights

Cheaper and faster way to test and generate products, content, campaigns, policy. Run thousands of simulations quickly to discover the best way forward.

Discover new customers

3-step process:
1. Build a world of AI agents
2. Set an objective, run the simulation, watch the world evolve
3. Get answers, content, products and insights

Generate everything

Immediate results. No more ‘guessing’. Get content already tailored to your audience or market. Get policy and strategic plans tailored for impact

Plot your path to success

Know what to say & do

First impressions count. We build AI virtual worlds with AI agents to simulate real-world populations and people. Use it to generate and test products, policy, ideas, campaigns. Use it to plan your strategy. Use it for everything.

Build content that works

Our AI generates product ideas, content, policies and messaging already tailored to what your audience wants

To get the results

Be confident your products and messages are the best they can be to get the outcome you want. Get the responses you want.

How it Works


Define your world

Demographics, interests, preferences, values, audiences. Simulate a few people, a few thousand or a whole population.

Add your objective

Set your objectives and what you want to see happen. Custom queries, focus groups, and/or preset options, policy proposals, generate a product, complete a task, create a viral post

See your Results

Run the simulation. Generate tailored products ideas, content, test results, focus group results, policy proposals, strategic plans

Dynamic Simulations of the World

Predict the future using AI agent simulations of how society evolves over time.

Use these to test products, policy and strategy using a simulation of the real world. Estimate product, policy and strategic impact on large-scale populations.

Simulate Communities

Our AI worlds simulate segments, geographies and communities using individual AI agent avatars

Estimate impact

Predict the dynamic impact of strategy, interventions, policies & products on simulated populations to get the best outcome

We solve privacy

Secure simulations without protected data

Global trends toward tighter privacy regulation makes using personal data difficult & risky.
Our simulations help businesses generate insights while keeping customer data private by using simulations.

Privacy is the future

Regulators and customers want personal data kept private and its use restricted

Simulation is the answer

Privacy applies to individuals, not simulations or groups. Get same insights without the risk

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